t.01202 434 858 m.07469 215 286 e.david@waterscs.com

Rent Reviews, Lease Renewals and Lease Advisory

Through our contacts and market awareness Waters Chartered Surveyors is able to obtain critical information and analysis to ensure the best outcome for clients that will keep them 'ahead of the game'.

  • Rent Reviews and Lease Renewals are undertaken for a mix of retail, industrial, offices and convenience stores. With good market knowledge and a strong understanding of Landlord and Tenant legislation we are able to ensure occupiers contain costs and landlords enhance their rental/capital returns.
  • Lease Advisory is a service we provide beyond rent reviews and lease renewals. This ensures that clients take advantage of market conditions and advantageous lease provisions in order to fulfil investment or occupational objectives. This can involve negotiating opportunities at break clauses, lease variations, re gears and surrenders that can reap rewards for both investors and occupiers.

Areas Covered

Based in Bournemouth and Wimborne, Dorset, Waters Chartered Surveyors' geographic coverage extends along the South Coast and North towards the M4.

Office Location

Riverside Parade, 230 Tuckton Road
Bournemouth, Dorset

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Waters Chartered Surveyors
Riverside Parade | 230 Tuckton Road | Bournemouth | Dorset | BH6 3AA
Minster Chambers | 43 High Street | Wimborne | Dorset | BH21 1HR
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